Tag Archives: release

thoughts on true blood: we’ll meet again

Previously on True Blood: Authority Always Wins

“Let bygones be bygones, bi-girls be bi-girls.” – Pam.

What other fun things will Pam command Tara to do?
I have always felt Tara was a weak character. She was always in some sort of trouble and perpetually complaining about her lot in life. It made it very hard to like or even tolerate her time on the screen. Pairing her up with Pam, who is arguably one of the show’s strongest characters could be a great idea. Gone are the days when Tara tries to commit suicide or flees town when things get too intense. With Pam as her maker, she’ll be forced to grow a backbone and maybe become a little more fun in the process. Jessica could surely help a little bit since she’s no longer the resident vampire baby and might be able to offer Tara some advice. I’m hoping now that they’ve normalized Tara being a vampire a little bit, we’ll be able to see the funner side of where this story is going.

Is Alcide the “new fool” that will take a bullet for, and subsequently protect Sookie?
According to Tara, Sookie will always be safe because she is protected by the fools around her. If last night was any indication, Alcide is ripe for taking over the new position. They’ve been doing this little dance for awhile and Eric and Bill are out of the picture (romantically), so this would be a good time for the two to explore things. There are two things to remember: Alcide still may have to take over packmaster duties and daddy Pelt, along with his wife, could still make a return. Either of those things happening could have a negative impact on the brewing romance between Sookie and Alcide. Also, it looks like Bill and Eric are prepping to ask demand Sookie help them find Russell, which would definitely stall things for Alcide.

What will Pam and Eric’s “break up” mean for their relationship?
As evidenced by Lorena’s hold on Bill, a maker releasing their vampire doesn’t mean the ties are completely broken. I look at Eric releasing Pam as the contract being broken; however, just because she can leave him doesn’t mean she will. Sure, I think she’ll take some time to nurture her new relationship with Tara in some form or fashion, and she may ever enjoy having a certain level of freedom she didn’t have when Erin was in charge, but I doubt this is little more than a formality.

Who else pegged little Alexander as the traitor?
If anyone was going to be accused of the double-cross, I would have thought Rosalyn immediately (something about her suits and helmet hair just didn’t seem trustworthy). Although Alexander, the adorable kid vampire, was the one killed for working with Nora to further the Sanguinista Movement, something still seems off. We never actually saw Nora out him as a fellow traitor, so he might just be one of several traitors among the Vampire Authority. Or, he might not be a traitor at all, and instead just had the misfortune of getting caught with the right video at the wrong time. Please, can we see more of this and less of Patrick and Terry’s trek across the country?!

Other observations:

  • The more Lafayette accidentally taps into to his new witch-y side, the more I’m hoping Jesus makes a return, however brief it may be.
  • Which club looks better: The fairy fantasy sex den or Fangtasia?
  • Jessica’s eyes were especially gorgeous in this episode. And speaking of eyes, how cute is it that Pam sleeps in glittery eyeshadow?
  • Sam’s shifter buddies, Emory (Barack) and Suzanne (Hillary) are dead. Obviously, this was the only way prideful Sam and equally prideful Luna were going to find their way back to each other. What I’m more concerned with is who killed them…and why.
  • Patrick and Terry’s little search for Brian, which took them to South Dakota, is slowly starting to get interesting. I’m hoping they were under supernatural influences in that flashback and not just good ol’ fashioned ecstasy. Also, seeing Terry in action during his time in Al Anbar, Iraq really helps you understand why he’s a little bit crazy now.
  • Judge Clements, was your sole purpose in this episode to get Andy and Jason to that club? Are we going to see more of you? Did Andy cheat on Holly with Maurella? Did those two boy fairies actually hurt Andy and Jason? How is Hadley still alive?! Who killed Jason and Sookie’s parents?!? As you can see, I was left with a lot of questions and almost zero answers.
  • Drunk Sookie singing Escape (aka The Piña Colada song) was adorable, but Alcide noting that the room smelled like mint and peaches and letting her know he was “gonna need more than one” helped transition the moment from cute to the type of sexy Eric did effortlessly.

Next week’s True BloodLet’s Boot and Rally (Tara…and Hoyt?!)

Nicole is a TV junkie and TVDM helps her feed a lifelong addiction. She can be found here, providing biased commentary (sprinkled with a few Pop Up Video-esque insights) on her favorite shows, every week.

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